The Principles of our Lives

The principles of our lives

The term ‘active ingredient’ refers to a component that actively influences our body’s functions. Found naturally in plants, these ingredients have historically connected humans to the plant world, as we discovered their therapeutic effects. Over time, we have not only learned to identify these potent compounds but also to synthesize them to reproduce and concentrate their effects in modern medicines, amplifying their benefits. 🌿

Food-spazzatura so we now call it

Modern Insights Meet Ancient Wisdom on Nutrition 🥦🌍

Today, as knowledge advances, we’re merging the nutritional wisdom of different cultures and eras to enhance our well-being. The ancient Romans captured this timeless principle in their saying, "healthy mind in a healthy body." However, with the industrial age came canned and packaged foods that introduced unexpected health issues. Many of these foods have been altered with artificial flavors, unnecessary aesthetics, and excessive preservatives, often losing their core purpose of nourishing and revitalizing us.

In contrast, traditional diets emphasize natural, nutrient-rich foods that provide energy and support vital bodily functions. Think of the body as a machine that requires high-quality fuel to perform well. Each organ and system depends on the right foods to maintain and regenerate our health. The active ingredients in these foods deliver life-sustaining benefits, energizing us at the cellular level.

The Essential Active Ingredients in Foods 🌱

  • Vitamins: Regulate chemical reactions in cells, activating essential processes.
  • Minerals: Crucial for body hydration and support tissue strength.
  • Trace Elements: Vital for physiological functions and overall health.
  • Essential Oils: Beneficial for physical and emotional well-being.
  • Alkalis: Trigger important physiological reactions.
  • Glucosides: Provide energy reserves with various effects.
  • Saponins: Offer expectorant and diuretic properties.
  • Tannins: Known for anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.
  • Resins: With antiseptic qualities, support respiratory health.
  • Bitter Principles: Aid digestion and stimulate appetite.
  • Organic Acids: Promote digestion with mild laxative effects.

Freshness & Quality Matter 🍃

Freshness is key: time diminishes the potency of these active ingredients, often leading to spoilage. Unfortunately, modern food practices rely on long storage and processing to extend shelf life, which can deplete a food's vitality by the time it reaches our tables.

Our commitment to fresh, minimally processed foods helps retain the vitality and active ingredients of each ingredient. Harvested no later than last summer, our products maintain a strong connection to the Earth and everything it generously provides. This respect for nature’s cycles allows us to bring truly nutritious food to your table—fresh, potent, and life-enhancing.